Monday, August 6, 2007

Sunday is always my Funday!

Sorry, I missed blogging yesterday. My cousin's were in town and I went out to meet them. We went through the Titanic exhibit. It was kinda cute. We then went to Monkey Joe's...note to self-Stay away on the weekends! And to finally end my night, I met them out at their hotel to swim. We watched Finding Nemo in the pool. Heath loved it. He stayed up until 12. So I may actually have the morning to myself!

Church was awesome!!!!!! Byron was on fire. I was so convicted that I needed to get off the bench and serve, I am just not sure where. I am such a thinker and not a doer...Are there any thinking ministries! Ha!

The last two songs before church ended, gave me goosebumps the whole time. When we sang, "The enemy has been defeated....." I almost started dancing. I was about to go Charismatic!

I was also impressed with the number of hands that went up, who have been at C3 for less than 2 years. I look forward to seeing those numbers double.

I was also convicted that I need to move on. I am no longer going to live out the past year in my mind and the mistakes I made. The stupid things I let consume my mind. The stupid things I spent time seeking, instead of seeking lost people. I have not a doubt in my mind that God has me where he wants me to serve(not be served)!

I am more and more excited about the theater. God has provided!

I know there are some cynics who think the church staff is making off with all of Parkway's money. They stole their church away. All the hard work building the church up is gone. I used to think these thoughts......I was blind! I think money is the number one reason most people are upset. I understand, it is my nature to want to protect my own personal money. I think it is the hardest thing to give that area of my life over to God. Yet is the most stressful area in my life.....and God takes care of all my needs.

I love the fact that we have so many new people and the people who have stayed, show no ownership. We cannot own our church and just because we might write the largest tithe check every month....we do not have control over the church. You cannot be crowned king, because you gave the most money.

I am preaching to myself.....I am not pointing a finger at anyone, but if the shoe fits! I know I am a work in progress when it comes to giving. I look forward to the lessons that God is going to teach me. In fact, I was reading in my bible that God tests us so we can learn about ourselves. I can truly say I have learned a lot of stuff about myself this year!


Angie Bledsoe said...

Great blog, as usual! Yesturday was great - I'm glad I waited until today to get really sick so I didn't miss it. "Finding Nemo" in a pool sounds awesome - we need to have a retreat to the beach and watch a bunch of movies in a pool!! Have a great one. Peace.

My Own Bandwagon said...

You know we would be to busy yapping to watch a movie, or at least I would. I'll have to find somewhere with a heated pool!

Angie Bledsoe said...

Too true, how about a hot tub and a flat-screen...and a remote with a honkin' mute button? Awesome - let me kick this fever, then we can plan our "getaway". Peace.