Monday, August 20, 2007

Happy Birthday Angie

I thought I would try to come up with a witty poem, but I got nothing. Today is Angie's Birthday. She is the wife of our pastor at C3. I still remember the first time I met her. It was at some type of open house. Some lady was selling all kinds of different things for Christmas. I remember how I liked her glasses and sense of style. We probably said 5 words to each other. Now she gets to listen to me all the time-HA!

I really got to know Angie at a women's retreat a few years ago. Our room was connected and a bunch of us stayed up all night yapping. She got to see the real me and all my "glory"! I am pretty mouthy. If you are around me long enough, you realize I can say some crazy things. I have no idea what Angie thought of me, but she did talk to me again. I was afraid I might of said something offensive with my big mouth.

Unfortunately, I think people are sometimes afraid to show their true colors to a pastor's wife. Jeff was scared I was going to get us kicked out. Angie saw me and all my glory and still kept me as her friend.

This past year has been a rough one. Not one I think any of us would want to relive. I can't imagine how hard it must have been for Angie. It takes a strong women to be a pastor's wife. I am not sure how she survived, but she did!

Thank you Angie for being a role-model. Thank you for allowing me to be myself around you. I hope today is a good one for you. Happy Birthday!

1 comment:

Angie Bledsoe said...

Thanks. I just left the boys at their new school. Ethan I did too. Nate just looked overwhelmed. So, your blog encouraged me - and made me cry, again. I really do thank God for you in my help me keep it real and not take myself too seriously.

Thanks. I needed this today. Angie.