Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Hell Yeah?

Why is hell a bad word or should I say sometimes used in colorful expression. I've decided the word does not offend me. I am glad I am not going there, but what made it a social no-no? I am not going around saying it.......I just thought it was food for thought.

I guess I am just trying to understand where cuss words or colorful words came from. I am sure every country has there own. I might say something that I don't even know is offensive to someone else.

What if I say, "Oh, Dookie!" Is it wrong because it is closely related to a four letter word. Does society decide what words are cuss words or is there a list of words we should never say somewhere out there?

I've always wondered this, even has a small child. How did cuss words get started and who decided they were offensive?

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