Thursday, August 16, 2007

Is God Really Everywhere?

Last night I was reading in my book again and came across a thought provoking question. Is God really everywhere?

The author attended Reed College, a secular college. Every year the college holds a festival called Ren Fayre. I imagine it something like Woodstock without the music. I really didn't think it existed, until I looked it up online.

Anyways, the author and his friends decide to put up a confession booth up at the festival. They dressed in monk robes. The twist was, they apologized and confessed for not being more like Jesus.

Because they were bold and thought outside of the box, they were able to make a difference in their community. They started groups to go to homeless shelters, bible studies, and hosted a night where people could voice their hostility toward Christians. They did nothing but show Christ's love.

So is He everywhere? I believe so. There are opportunities all around us. Not to condemn the sinner, but show love like Jesus did.

I have to admit, I don't always seize moments like these. I have a fear of being hated for sharing my faith. I have to change my focus, to show love. By showing love, people will see Christ in me.

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