Friday, August 3, 2007

I don't always like being a grown-up........

because it is so much responsibility. I actually remember being depressed when I graduated from college. I was not ready to face the real world. More than likely why many children end up back home with their parents.

Money stresses me out. I am so scared I am going to not have enough at the end of the month ( yet this doesn't keep me from shopping). And now that I am back at staying at home again, I've got to manage not having that extra income. Which most was spent on two mortgages while we waited for our other house to sell.

The funny thing is, God has never not met my needs. Although secretly I wait for it all to fall apart so I have this God-changing moment in my life. The one were you live in a "van down my the river". Although I think the less you have, the more blessed you are. I just wish I could get that through my thick skull.

I was watching Facing the Giants ( which I don't know why Christian movies are always a little corny)......Anyways, the coach in the story didn't have a lot of money. His house was falling apart, his car, his wife couldn't get pregnant, and he was about to lose his job. He finally Let GO and Let GOD. Toward the end of the movie one of the player's dad secretly gives his a brand new truck. It was amazing to see the joy on his face.

I think I sometimes miss out on this because I don't wait for God to bless me!

It even made me think of C3. In some people's eyes they think we've lost everything. They think how sad the attendance is down. They have to sell the building and move to a theater. Don't be sad....God is blessing our Church. It is all worth it to have one person come to know Christ, who might not have ever stepped foot in church before.

I've learned this past year not to try and always figure why things happen. Look for the blessings that follow!

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