Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Random Thoughts Racing in My Head

I took off out to Disney last night with the kids again. We had a blast. We went out to the campgrounds and roasted marshmallows. After that we went swimming in the pool. I've been waiting all summer for Heath to sleep in and he chooses 2 weeks before school starts! Go Figure.

As the summer ends, I become more and more excited about C3's move to the theaters. I've come to realize how traditional our building is. I know God will use this building to serve another purpose for another church.

I am thankful for the staff and their wives. They are my role models. I wish I had only half their strength! I am thankful for their willingness to change and to take a stand. I have faith and trust them completely. I question nothing......I question no motives. All you have to do is look around the sanctuary and see all the hundreds of new faces. I know their hearts, their love for Christ, and their love for the unchurched.

I have never had a more life changing moment then when I decided C3 is for me. I've never felt Christ more alive in me. I've never felt a peace like this before. I know God had big plans for me.

1 comment:

Angie Bledsoe said...

Of course, I appreciate the kind words - but, more than that, you'll never know what hearing optimism and passion from others means to the leadership of C3 - it's like fuel for the fire. Encouragement is like breath to us all - it means more than you know. Thanks for increasing the peace...Angie