Monday, June 25, 2007

More Thoughts

I don't ever want to loose this feeling of excitement and newness I have found in the Lord. I am glad that I became a Christian at 15, I am just sad it has taken me this long, to go this deep with HIM. Thank you Jesus that you wipe the slate clean and forgive me of my sins. I don't feel like a "fake" anymore.
One of the reasons I started blogging, is I felt I was hiding. I could tell anyone what they wanted to hear, but they would never know my heart. I've heard that some people are really ticked off about the blogs they read. Maybe from my blog or maybe my friends blogs. I am sure some might think I've joined a cult and went of the deep end with the rest of them. Guess what, "I love the deep end! I no longer want to swim in shallow water." I even plan to go deeper. I wouldn't trade this change in my life for anything. This blogging helps me be honest. No surprises. I can't hide. I love being real and seeing my friends being real. My blog is a daily reminder of who I am, who I want to be and how much I want to grow. I know if I stop writing, I've lost my focus. I will know I put God on the side burner again. Using that same old selfish excuse, that I'll get more serious later. (especially since I know I am already going to heaven).
I used to go to bed sick at my stomach every night. I didn't sleep. Now I go to bed, excited, thinking about tomorrow and what God has planned for me. Much better than being angry, confused, and out of God's will for my life! Not saying this is the easier road, but it is the blessed road!!


Anonymous said...

You are blogtastic! I love reading your stuff. It is encouraging, hilarious, and nutty. What a great sampling of Leigh Ann!

Amanda said...

You made me cry and gave me chills again! I love reading your stuff!