Friday, June 22, 2007

The Easter Bunny will never be same....

O.K. sometimes I get deep, so I thought I would add a little humor. Many of you know I love practical jokes. I am really surprised this one didn't get me fired. Right before Jeff and I got married, I was working at a Private School in Orlando. During the summer we ran a sleep over for first grade all the way to eighth grade. It was starting to get late and most all the kids were watching a movie in their sleeping bags. A couple of us teachers decided to check out the stock room in the back. While we were being nosey, I ran across an Easter Bunny costume. A light went off in my head! How can we scare the older kids with this outfit? Well......long story short, I talked a teacher into wearing all black and putting just the head on. I went out in the corridor where the older kids were, to set the scene. I had another teacher use her cell phone to call the school's phone. I played it off that it was the police warning us of a criminal on the loose wearing an Easter Bunny costume. I told the kids they better stay put and not think of sneaking out, it was too dangerous. The kids started getting a little scared and talking about how the Easter Bunny costume was a little weird. During all this the teacher with the head snuck off out the back door. We considered having her hold a knife, but quickly changed our minds! She stood at the corner, throwing coke cans at the glass. Trying to stir the kids attention. Then all at once she came running by us. But, while she was running her head got turned around and she couldn't see. She ran right into the glass. The bunny's head came right at us. Right away 12 and 13 year olds started screaming and crying. Both the boys and girls! I was of course laughing uncontrollably.
It took me over a hour to calm them all down and convince them it was all a joke. I just waited the next day for phone calls from parents and a call into the principal office!

1 comment:

Darrell said...

I think I am going to call and report you. There are probably some college students who are still afraid of the Easter Bunny because you traumatized them. I can't imagine what would have went down if you had actually used the knife. Typical Leigh Ann!

Voice of Reason,