Tuesday, June 26, 2007

The best practical joke every played on me

I was living in an apartment complex off Econ. I had moved over the summer with some friends who needed a roommate for a couple of months, since their roommate had gotten married. Once summer was over, I planned on moving in with my friend Michelle. She lived in the same building, just opposite side and upstairs. I was starting to get sick and was resting from moving everything. My old roommates wanted me to go back and clean up my room/bathroom. I waited until night, because I felt horrible. I was running a fever and had lost my voice. This apartment only had light in the bathroom and kitchen. You had to have lamps to light the rest of the rooms. I had started on the tub. Deep into scrubbing, the light went off. I look and see this large man coming towards me with pantyhose on his head. I tried to scream, but nothing came out. So, I immediately started crying. Paul felt horrible at once and by friend Michelle quickly put the lights back on. Once I calmed down.....I started laughing! It was a really good practical joke.

O.K. as I am writing this, I think of another joke I played on Jeff. Sometimes before Jeff would take a shower, he would "sit" and browse the computer. Well, before he got in there....I took his B.B. gun and hid in the shower. I was trying to figure out the best time to jump out. I knew he would be mad if I got him while he was on his "throne". So, I waited patiently for him to finish. He got undressed and started to get in. I jumped out with the B.B. gun. He screamed...and he fell to the floor in the fetal position. I think this one beats filling his water bottle with ocean water at the beach!


Anonymous said...

You make me feel very boring!

My Own Bandwagon said...

No, I think I am the one who is bored. Or should I say was bored. I expect a visit from law enforcement sometime this year from something innocent my children have done.