Thursday, June 28, 2007

I got a nap today

This getting up at 5 is for the birds. I was ready to go back to bed by the time the kids got up. And don't think I didn't try.......I am just to scared that by house will burn down or my son will take another "field trip" down the street.
I thought I would never say this, but I miss work. I think I need a project. I still have Heath's room to decorate and the hallway still needs painting. I won't even mention the wallpaper mess in the kitchen. But none of that excites me. I think it is because I know the moment I start it, the kids will need my attention. You can get really depressed when you start thinking of all the "small" things that need to be done around the house. I am doing good just to keep the house clean and the laundry done.
O.K. I have nothing more to say right now. I am going to take some Tylenol and think about how gross that candy bar tasted, that I thought I wanted!

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