Wednesday, July 11, 2007

I am going to Fellowship Church in Grapvine, Texas

I am so excited! I am flying out to Dallas on Friday to meet up with the youth group at C3. I am a little sad I missed out on the work they are doing in Beaumont, Texas. But I'll take what I can get.
The main reason I want to go, is so I can go to Ed Young's church. I feel like I owe him an apology. His name came up many times through the transition of our church from Parkway to C3. People thought this man had poisoned our church. They accused him of using "water-downed" tactics to bring people to Christ.
I got caught up in the gossip and judgement too. I thought if church didn't look or act a certain way, we would not produce "cookie cutter Christians". The ones who wear Sunday Best. The ones who know their bible and can answer every question in a knowledgeable way. (not that this is wrong). It is just intimidating to a world of people who don't know Christ yet. They feel uncomfortable and unable to meet the standard they think Christians require.

It's funny how people think you should make these type of people feel uncomfortable. They won't turn from their old ways if we don't preach Hell and Damnation every Sunday. Cause that's what Christ was doing? Beating people over the head with the Bible and dressing in His Sunday Best, intimidating every non-believer. No- Christ wanted nothing more than to show these people love and make them want to seek more. There was something special about Him that drew the type of people I used to turn my nose up to. I would say love the sinner, not the sin. But not want to invest in their lives or really want them to join my church. Not unless they could meet the "Christian Standard"!

So all this being said. I am excited to go to Ed Young's church. What I look forward to is knowing its not going to be the same cookie cutter type of church I am used to. Knowing he didn't poison our church. His church is an example of how I hope for C3 to look one day. Not because of the "fame and glory" that comes with being a "mega church" . But because I know that means we have reached that many more for Christ. And that's what it's all about!

So Ed I come!

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