Monday, July 2, 2007

I am looking forward to my nap!

12 am- Dog barks, I am a sucker and let him in bed.
2 am- I wake up to feel a small hairy headed child in my bed. I panicked because she was under the covers and I couldn't feel her breathing. She was!
4 am- Heath cries for the 3rd time since he was asleep. I put the dog back in the cage and Heath in the bed with us. I am thankful for my king size bed.
6am- Dog barks to go outside. Heath is out of bed 5 min. later, crying"JUICE!"
8am- I am so tired, I am going to have to push myself to get my coffee and start the day!

By the way....I did say a prayer that the dog would stop barking at 4 am and He answered my prayer.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

I hope you got a good nap today! I didn't want to call--afraid I would wake you up! Take some magic pills tonight (and maybe give some to your dog and kids). JUST KIDDING!