Sunday, July 8, 2007

Funday is Sunday

I wasn't sure if I was going to make it to church on Sunday, because of the race. We ended up leaving early to beat the traffic. Which I am glad we did, but we missed the awesome end!

I really needed to hear the message this morning. I feel like I've been running full speed. I know this because I've been moody.

Rest!?! You mind can only handle so much before, it starts malfunctioning. And you know what I mean. You start with small mistakes, that turn into big mistakes. That's why I never understood working yourself to death. At some point you can't be performing at your best. Your mind becomes mush.

As women I think we just cry. What to men do? I notice that my husband becomes quiet and wants to be alone. The company he used to work for about ran him into the ground. He worked 10+ hours a day. The phone rang late at night and all weekend. Our life revolved around his work schedule. I would get mad and take it out on him. We didn't get along to well back then. He just didn't have anything left by the time he was done working. His mind was mush! It got to the point I wanted him to quit and go live in a van down by the river. ( I should look for that on you tube).

We are much happier now with a normal work schedule. Jeff was about to run himself into an early grave and he was missing watching his children grow. I really thought we would end up divorced. (because I was selfish).

It's amazing how we drive our self to exhaustion. And then when we get to that point, we try to find rest by ourselves. I am guilty to forget there is one Person who can truly give me rest. True Rest. I am not saying I think life should be easy or a walk in the park. In fact, I believe the world will only get harder each year.

I hope I learn to first look to Yahweh for rest. Instead of my normal rest searching techniques. My way only leads to a short lived, brief rest. A kind of fake rest. Maybe this is why older people look forward to dying and having final rest with Christ. I am only half way through life and am exhausted. I am sure I will look forward to my final rest by then too! (O.K. that was a little morbid!)

On a side note, I am trying really hard to work it out so I can fly out to Dallas and meet the Youth this weekend. Pray that doors will open and I will be able to go!

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