Thursday, July 5, 2007

God is Good All the Time.....

Isn't it great that we have one Person in our life who is "Good all the time"!!!

The past two days I've been really moody with my children. I've lost all patience with them. I am letting the little things build up into big things. I think I thought that raising children would be easy because I was a teacher. I've been slacking this summer! Maybe out of guilt from working this past year. I know I am doing them no justice, time to put the hammer down. Time to be 99% consistent with discipline!

O.K. I feel better now that is off my chest.

On a side note.....Kaelyn informed me that she didn't like Jesus. I was really taken back. I thought maybe I misunderstood her. But I didn't. I guess she had flipped through The Passion Book at her Grandma's and the pictures of "Big Jesus" as she called him, scared her. So don't be disturbed if you hear her say this. I've got to go find happy Jesus pictures!

and all the time, God is good!

1 comment:

Angie Bledsoe said...

It makes perfect sense to me -

My dad always had the most beautiful picture hanging in his office. It was of Jesus laughing, which I happen to believe he did very often. I found a copy of it by doing a google search of "laughing Jesus pic". The artist is Ralph Kozak and he has a website of his artwork. Peace (and laughter) to you and yours.