Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Where did the souls of people in the old testament go to when they died? I tried to look, but couldn't find anything.....I could understand anyways!

In other news.......I tried to go online and sign up to get my teaching certificate renewed. I was blocked out and had a hard time signing up. In the back of my mind, I felt God was saying stop! I really only want to go back to work to bring in more money for selfish reasons.

I believe there are seasons in our lives, where we are called to do certain things. Right now, I need to focus on my little ones and husband. Trust me there is enough to do around here, I would just rather pay someone to do it.

I think staying home is one of the hardest jobs, next to being a single mom, working, and raising children on her own.

Last night I was watching Fox news and they had this story:

Christian pastors in the Leesburg area are organizing a ‘United March for Jesus’ in support of Danny Harvey.

As we reported on Fox 35 last month, Harvey said he was fired from his post as Chaplin at the Leesburg Regional Medical Center after 8 years because he said hospital officials asked him to stop using the word ‘Jesus’ in his prayers with patients, some of whom weren’t Christian.

Harvey said he refused and because of that the hospital relieved him from his post. Now led by reverend George Mulford, people from 30 churches will rally and march in support of Harvey this Saturday in Leesburg. Organizers said they are expecting ‘hundreds’ at the march which starts at 8 a.m. Saturday.

Fox 35 wants to know; “Do you think this march is support of the fired Chaplin will make a difference?”

Some one's response:Harvey was fired because he did not obey the terms of his employment and ignored complaints of paying patients at the hospital. That's nothing to march about: it just seems like political showboating. Better 30 churches should band together and march out into the community to feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, clothe the naked, house the homeless, tend to the sick and visit the imprisoned on a regular basis, as Jesus taught in his Gospel.

Not that I am in totally agree, but it did get me to thinking about this person's last statement. We are always so eager to attack and band together when we are hurt or mad, but yet we often don't have the same passion when it comes to helping the needy. I am guilty of thinking there are enough people in the world already doing this, why would they need my help?

Amanda was telling me about a MOPS group that meets with mom's in prisons. How awesome and what a great ministry! I believe God has big plans for C3 doing great things in the community.


Angie Bledsoe said...

This sounds like music to my ears...the part about meeting needs. I have a lot of dreams for the future of C3 in this area. I think many churches think they have to be "either/or" either a socially conscious church or an evangelistic one. But we have been given so much, I know God can help us do both effectively - if we will only be willing. We need to get together and talk more about this. Maybe you can speerhead something. Great post. Glad you're back. Peace.

My Own Bandwagon said...

Thanks, I'll keep the wheels turning!