Friday, September 7, 2007


I feel like I am living in an out of body experience. Time flies by so fast. The past two weeks or so have been blah for me. Not anything anyone has done.....I've just lost some of my motivation.

I want to finish my book, but can't seem to get back into it.

I want to finish Deuteronomy, have no interest.

My floors in the kitchen have needed to be mopped for three weeks, but I'd rather go shopping.

I want to finish painting my house, but I'd rather read blogs.

I have laundry, but I keep thinking it will magically do it itself!

I've got to find my focus. I've got to have better quiet times. I need to be more honest with myself.

Love you all!!!!


Amanda said...

I appreciate your honesty. I think we all feel like this from time to time. I hope you can get motivated to do some stuff this week. If not, call me and we'll go shopping!
love ya!

My Own Bandwagon said...

I am always up for shopping. Although I might have to turn to a life of crime if I don't stop spending money!!!