Monday, September 10, 2007

Bloggin Monday's

I have so far stayed away from the cold bug going around my house. I also got my plug to work again, so I can blog!

It is so cool to see how many new faces have stepped up to the plate to serve at C3. I am actually going to teach 2-3 graders during Power House. I am excited. I asked Monica if I get to be mean! Tee-Hee. I can be scary when I want! No really, I am looking forward to working with kids again. Poor Caleb can't get rid of his 2nd grade teacher!

I didn't blog much about it before. But it was weird being at my grandfather's funeral and seeing him in the casket. All I could think about....was his soul. I can say he is more than likely not in Heaven and it makes me sad. Your last breath is here on earth and your next in the worse place you can ever imagine. Not that I want to use scare tactics to make someone become a believer, but it is a sad thought.

I sometimes think this is why some people have a hard time dealing with salvation, they don't want to think that their loves ones won't be in heaven with them when they die. How do you get someone past this? I have someone right now in my life that has a hard time dealing with this issue and would rather go to Hell than Heaven, if there loved one would not be there.

OK, I have depressed myself!

I am so thankful for where I am in life and the people who surround me and lift me up! I can't imagine living in this world without friends and family. No matter how bad life gets, I always try to find something positive. Without God, I don't think I could survive it!


Monica Hunt said... did ask me if you could be mean to the kids! haha...I'm not worried you will be great!!! We are excited to have you in PH now!

My Own Bandwagon said...
