Wednesday, October 3, 2007


I was thinking about my church and how we want to focus on the community. I feel like we are Missionaries in Orlando. But the truth of the matter is I get overwhelmed by thoughts and ideas and have no clue where to begin. Or I might not want to really take action, just be all talk. It is much easier to get wrapped up in everyday routine and activities.

I truly have no idea what it is to sacrifice or be without. I can guess, but I have never experienced it for myself. Even the drama in my life cannot compare with what some people in this world do just to survive another day in this world.

I look around my house and see all the stuff I have accumulated. Money wasted. Things barely used. What I throw away!

How do I stop? I know the answer, but choose to ignore myself. I wonder why I can make myself depressed and sulk in self misery! I really feel I need to make a difference and a change in my lifestyle.

Not that I want to like like a Monk, but I need to think twice about the choices I make and is there something better I can spend my time or money doing?

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