Thursday, October 11, 2007

I Forgot My Title!

I thought I would write in a color that would remind me of the Bahamas!!

I was a little worried I would not get everything done today, but I did. I even washed my sheets!

I dragged Angie to the Ladies Home Show out at the convention center. It only took as an hour to figure out where to park and get tickets!

I did buy this razor less hair removal kit. (As I am writing the spell check is going crazy). I am not totally convinced it works. But my "stash" looks better! I even let a few ladies feel my legs after some older man with his zipper down(which he was clueless) rub some sandpaper looking thing on my leg. OK, that just sounded dirty. What can I say, cheap thrills at the convention center! It really was innocent!

I am currently waiting for Jeff so we can watch the "Office" together! What is it about watching a show both you and your spouse enjoy together! I here him coming! Later!!


C3 Wives said...

Now that I think about it - our whole convention center experience was a lot like an episode of "The Office"...In fact, that razor-guy that rubbed on your leg reminds me a lot of Creed! - only a lot heavier and creepier.
Thanks for the cheap entertainment - sorry, I didn't notice the zipper thing.
Have a beautiful trip. Peace.

Angie Bledsoe said...

...okay, so I'm not all the "C3 wives" - it's just me, Angie. Sorry. Peace.

My Own Bandwagon said...

Thanks, I will! I had a great time today and enjoyed getting out!!

She Rose Up said...

LOL! Sounds like you all had fun!

I know what you mean about watching a show with your spouse. I have to meet him where he is at though. Man of action you know! Like we use to watch as a family Stargate SG1 with Richard Dean Anderson, it was a great family show. We don't really have a show right now, kinda in btwn...sighs...:)

P.S. I thought as great as you are with photos I had to share this new blog site I found - she is in to a lot the same things as you with the photos and children, very light hearted & family minded.