Monday, November 19, 2007

Road Trip

I was thinking about the Bledsoe's on their way to Texas. (I hope the u-haul doesn't give you any trouble.....Just Kidding). It brought back memories of traveling to Ohio in the family station wagon. Back then, you didn't have to wear seat belts!

Funny thing is the back seat window only opened that much. My mom took it back thinking something was wrong. The side window did vent. It also had vinyl seats. The best part is when my dad when Amoral them! We would slide from one end to the next every time we took a turn.

Anyways, back to the trip. We would leave at the crack of dawn. Drive until my dad was ready to pass out. He would lay down the back seats and spread out, leaving my brother and I to sit in a ball with our knees in our chest. And if you have seen my dad (Wardtogo), he is huge.

We also had this squeak in the back window that drove us all nuts. My mom would spend the whole trip trying to figure out how to stop it with napkins.

There were so many fun memories with this car. I believe we bought it when I was five. My dad owned it until I was 15. I even drove it. It surpassed 200,000 miles. Wonder where it is today?

So what ever you plans are for Thanksgiving, remember the road trip will hold memories forever!!


Angie Bledsoe said...

Nice...we cleaned out our garage before we left (one lady was going thru our trash like it was a yard sale - it was like attending your own estate sale...with really bad junk) - we had several people ask us where we were moving...and when - some even looked disappointed when we told them we're not...
About the station wagon memories - I loved the "way back" -on one trip we broke seven times!!!
BTW, we DID finally make it to Texas - but the moving trucks haven't arrived yet - Hmmmm...
Have a great one. Peace out.

Angie Bledsoe said...

..."broke DOWN seven times!!!"

My Own Bandwagon said...

Glad you made it! I now won't complain if I get stuck in traffic for my long trip to Melbourne!

Darrell said...

What a sweet ride. Wish I had one.

Angie Bledsoe said...

It's me again - just to clarify : breaking down seven times was in our station wagon as a kid - not this trip.
"Bledsoe bus" is still chugging along.Peace.

My Own Bandwagon said...

I think all the staff should restore old buick station wagons and paint them black with C3 all over it. We can take Darrell's Mercedes Benz symbol off the front and plant it on the wagon.