Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Ding Dong

Went to see Rob Bell speak last night. I have never heard him speak, other than a few videos he has made. The more I thought about the things he said, the more inspired I become.

He starts out talking about the history(very well researched) of the gods. The never ending sacrifices! The guilt that was bestowed upon you if something in life wasn't going your way. You must not have sacrificed enough!

People would give up their first born. Men would castrate themselves. For what? You could never give enough.

I was encouraged to remember that Christ paid the ultimate sacrifice. When I sin, I need to ask for forgiveness and let it go. But this is so hard to do. I still can let guilt affect me. So I got to thinking, maybe I really don't lay it at the cross. I think I say a quiet little prayer and hope for the best.

I should be on my knees pouring out my soul. Not a quiet, some-what meaningful prayer. Hoping that will end this guilty feeling.

He also talked about being a Living Sacrifice. He told many stories of people helping others. Something I don't have a lot of experience in. In fact, I can count on one hand times I have truly sacrificed.

So to wrap it up, I am really glad I went. I think I might actually pick up one of his books. Which a year ago, I would have laughed if you thought I would read one of his books. Stupid Internet searches!


Amanda said...

I loved what Rob Bell had to say last night about being a living sacrifice...very convicting! I'm with you...sure I've given to different charity organizations or to people that we know who are in need. But how ofttne to I really SACRIFICE my wants to give to someone else's needs? He challenged me! I'm glad you got to go. Now go read "Velvet Elvis" and "Sex God"!

She Rose Up said...

Happy Thanksgiving!

I tagged you! I thought you would have fun doing this!

Anonymous said...

LOVED Rob Bell! It was great hanging out with you last night. Happy Thanksgiving!